

Inventories on Minecraft are where you store items that you carry around with you. You can store items in Chests, Shulker Boxes and Ender Chests, but these items are not accessible unless you open it up again.

On our server the inventory works in the following way –

To stop the temptation to cheat each game-mode has it’s own inventory. This stops players from picking an item in creative and going to survival and using it. The same is true for ender chests, they only work in the same game-mode as when you stored your items.

Keeping inventories after re-spawning

In most areas on the server if you die and re-spawn you will keep your inventory, however this is not the case in our Survival PvP world, Port Royal. In Port Royal, if you die for any reason, your inventory will be dropped and will remain on the floor where you were slain. Anyone can pick up dropped items. It is up to you as a player to look after your items and not lose them. The same rules apply to the Nether and End worlds, if you drop your items, anyone is entitled to pick them up.


Minecraftia is in Survival mode, and is a peaceful world. There are no Mobs, and no PvP is allowed, so dying should not be as much of an issue, but if you do then your inventory will be kept so you don’t lose your items. Be careful, because you can carry items between Minecraftia and Port Royal so make sure you look after you items if you don’t want to lose them.