

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of Frequently asked questions. If your question is not covered here please feel free to message – [email protected].

How do I sign up more than 1 child?

Currently you need to sign up each child individually using a different email address – We know this isn’t ideal, but we have no other way to currently allow multiple members from 1 email.

How much does Minecraft Club cost?

£2.99 a week, or you can pay £11.99 a month. There are no hidden fees, and you can cancel anytime.

My child is under 8, can they join?

We will accept membership from those under the age of 8, if they are in Year 3 (or equivalent) of school. It means some 7 years olds will be able to join, but others wont until they start the next school year. If you are unsure, please feel free to message us and we can discuss.

Is Minecraft Free?

No, Minecraft is available to purchase from your games store. Different consoles and editions may have different prices and you may find discounts too, but when you buy the game make sure it is either Java or Bedrock editions on PC, or Bedrock edition on consoles and devices.

What Versions of Minecraft are supported?

Java and Bedrock editions of Minecraft are both supported on the server.

Java is exclusive to PC, and Bedrock can be played on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and Mobile devices.

Other versions of Minecraft can not access the server. These include Minecraft Education, Minecraft Legends, Minecraft Dungeons and Older Minecraft Legacy games.

I live outside the UK, can I be a member?

Yes. As long as your child can speak English they are welcome to join Minecraft Club.

Can we access the server when the social club is not on?

Yes, the server is available every day 6am to 9pm (UK time) regardless of if the social club is running.

What happens if I am unable to attend the Thursday Social?

Sadly you have missed it, but it doesn’t affect you in any way. The Social Club is optional and you can choose to attend or not.

What happens if the Social Club is cancelled?

While we try to hold the social club consistently every Thursday at 5, there are reasons it may not go ahead. Some of these are planned, such as holidays, and these events will be rearranged in advance. However there are unforeseen reasons why the social club may not go ahead, and you may not receive advance notice. These include illness to the admin, or a technical problem affecting the admins ability to get online, and possibly other reasons too (unforeseen). In these instances, members will be offered a catch up session as soon as possible (Not on a Thursday). Information will be provided via email and on this website.

Does the Social club continue in the school holidays?

Typically we will try to continue during school holidays but there can be exceptions. This could include the social club falling on the same day as a major holiday. During the summer holiday we will offer the normal 6 sessions over the 6 week holiday, but the day may change due to family commitments from the Admin

How long does a verification call take?

Verification calls are used to confirm members meet our strict age criteria. If you can set up the connection to the server and access everything the call will take barely a couple of minutes. However there is no rush, if you need or want more advice/help setting up your device to access the server, we will be happy to help you. Some game consoles can be trickier than others to set up so support is offered at the beginning to make sure your good to go straight away.

Are Verification calls recorded?

Yes, all verification calls are recorded by the admin and stored on the Zoom servers. This is a safeguarding feature to prevent fraudulent members signing up.

Why does my child have to appear on camera?

We do require a verification call between our Admin and the responsible adult, prior to being allowed on the server. The Admin will need to visually confirm the member and ideally have a brief introduction to say hello. This is the only time they are required to appear on camera, and parents/guardians are expected to remain present throughout. All verification calls take place on Zoom.

During the social clubs and special events no-one has to put their camera on (except the Admin) – it is up to each member and their personal preferences. In fact we would normally advise people to not put cameras on to allow more of your Internet bandwidth to be dedicated to Minecraft.

What Happens if I change my Minecraft Username?

You must notify us if a member changes their username – this is to ensure we can keep our Allow List up to date and the member can still access the server.

What happens on someones 14th Birthday?

Hopefully they have a lovely day. Members are permitted to stay as members until the end of August in the School year they turn 14 (typically end of year 9). Then we throw a leaving party for all members leaving. Afterwards they will have their subscriptions ended and will no longer have access to the server.

For 1 month they will continue to get access to the social hub so they can make arrangements with friends to continue playing with them.

After that the account will be shut down permanently and all data held will be erased.

Can my child be blocked from accessing the server if they are grounded at home?

Currently not, but I can look to implement this feature if it is requested.

Are there any Extra costs?

No. The subscription fee is the only cost and gives all members equal access. However you will need to have access to online play via the device you are using. For some devices this is standard, but others (Xbox, Switch…) require you to have their online game pass or equivalent to access online gaming which may have costs associated with them.

Can I pay extra to improve my Rank?

No. Everyone is treated equally on the server. The subscription fee is the only fee payable.

I’m going on holiday, can I still join in the club from abroad?

Yes. Your always welcome to join in the club activities.

If my membership expires, will I lose my Homes and Claims?

Not immediately, but eventually yes. The game continues as though you have just not logged in, so if you have houses still rented, they will stay as yours until the time period expires.

Claims will remain yours for up to 3 months after you leave the server, after which they may be taken over by other members.